WaterGroup have been helping Australia’s Holiday and Caravan parks save money for years. We also have worked with major entertanment centres and resorts.
Below is ongoing proof of leaks and savings achieved for these customers.
Olympic Pool Springs a Leak!
Our devices quickly alerted this leisure centre of abnormal water activity at its site. Investigations found that the cause of water loss was due to a broken valve near the pool filter. Replacement parts were ordered and water usage reverted to normal.
The broken valve meant an extra 250kL or $880 of water would have been used per month. Thanks to our monitoring service the wastage was stopped within a week.
Qld Holiday Park
After fixing a major leak in May, we discovered another leak!
This leak was consuming an additional 20kL/per day (~$1,900/month) which is the equivalent of having 2 taps running full bore.
The leak was found in the water main and was quickly resolved.
Qld Holiday Park
The base flow at this site had been on the rise for a couple of months and was sitting around 80 L/min. Given its typical minimum base flow was around 20 L/min, it was clear that leaks were causing the additional 60L/min of water wastage.
The leak was losing them an extra 86 kL/per day (~$9,000/month) which is the equivalent of having 10 taps running full bore / filling 1.5 Olympic swimming pools per month.
The leaks have now been found and fixed, see the drop at the right end of the chart.