Even your local fast food joint can spring a leak. Did you know hidden faults within grease traps, toilets , ice machines , chicken warmers can quickly add up to hefty water bill.

Several Bathroom Faults Means Lost Water For Restaurant

Site was alerted to an abnormal water usage pattern straight after the installation. Minimum base flow was sitting around 3 l/min.

After investigations staff found three separate issues:

  • Two minor seals on toilets were faulty which meant they were constantly running
  • One major overflow on toilet
  • Leak on a hand wash sink

Deemed savings based on a leak classified as usually taking 2 months to discover: 202kL / $525.28.


Fast Food Restaurants

WG AWARE and system alerted the restaurant to spike in water use – 7L/min. Plumber attended site and minor leaks were caught.

Deemed Savings -  614KL/$1,598

WG system alerted restaurant of a higher base flow 5L/min.  It was discovered a  new sensor was required for a Urinal that seemed to be running too long and too often.

Deemed Savings – 439 kL/ $1,141

Fast Food Restaurant

Our devices quickly alerted a restaurant to abnormally high water activity – 14L/min.  Investigations found that the cause of water loss was due to toilet sticking. 

Deemed Savings – 1,299kL/$3197

Fast Food Restaurant

WG system alerted restaurant of higher flow rate over the weekend. Particularly on Sunday between 12:00AM & 3:00AM.  Several minor leaks and equipment issues fixed.

Deemed Savings – 263kL/$685

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